Lately, I’ve been camped out in the Psalms. So much good stuff to absorb there! This week, I spent time really digging into and studying Psalm 34 and taking it to heart. Such good words!!

This Psalm begins with, “I will bless The Lord at all times. His praise will continually be on my lips”. I’ve been praying this for myself, Eric, and our children. We’ve been having a joy campaign at home, rewarding positive thought, praise to God, and great attitudes, especially when external circumstances threaten and tempt otherwise. I am so beyond blessed and I want to praise the Lord at ALL times. What a powerful testimony to the world when we, as Christians, keep our joy regardless of circumstance!!

This Psalm also speaks to God taking away fear. It actually says “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them”. I don’t know about y’all, but God has delivered me from some BIG fears in my lifetime, some very recently, when I stand in awe and reverent fear of Him. I need delivering and to know His angel encamps around me is a powerful word picture for me to cling to always! No fear or doubt is too big for my God to deliver me from! Amen?!?

This is also the Psalm that says we should “seek peace and pursue it”, another very familiar quote in our home, some days easier said than done. We want to honor God by being peace seekers, peace pursuers…another outward testimony to a lost world, of Christ in us!

Lastly, Psalm 34 says God hears us when we cry out and He delivers us from troubles. “He is near to the broken hearted and saves the crushed in spirit”. I know many, if not all, of you have big hurts, large wounds, some physical, some not. God is so personal and caring. What comfort I find in knowing He cares for me and for you.

May the people in our lives see change and transformation that boasts in God alone! May our lives reflect what we learn of Him in His Word. May revival fall on our land and God’s name be made famous…our Deliverer and Comforter!!!!