Big Picture, Small Phrase

In any venture that is new, most of the initial marketing, sales, or investment is in a dream or a vision. Concise communication of this vision is important. All of the major points of emphasis should be contained in this statement without being too wordy or technical. Vision is presented but is transferred much like the common cold. As a church planter, my role in this is to take the vision God has given me and sneeze it on others. I know that sounds gross but it is better than using a stomach virus as the analogy. Back to the sneezing, God has given me a fire in my bones that is Journeyman Church in the Lowry neighborhood of Denver, CO.

I see a day when the community Lowry desires to have is redeemed by the Gospel and Journeyman Church is an epicenter of disciple making for the glory of God in all the nations. And because of the need for a concise statement, I have tried to pull all of those thoughts into one statement…Journeyman Church is building a community of disciple makers.

For those of you who are artists and think outside the box, what do you see when you hear that last statement? I desire to embody the vision God has given to me in my vision statement but I don’t want it to be too wordy. If you have another idea for wording let me know; I would love to hear your take on it.

2 thoughts on “Big Picture, Small Phrase

  1. Lauren Pezent

    I wish I thought “outside the box.” I could be of some help then. I am excited about the fire in your bones though. I can’t wait to hear what next year brings.

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