Coming together…

Summer is approaching and things are coming together. God is already blessing our obedience to Him and confirming His call to church planting. We have been able to see pictures of the home we will rent for our year in Colorado Springs, and it meets our needs very well. We have worked hard on some small home improvements to prepare our current home for sale. God has generously blessed us with manpower and expertise from family and friends to make these projects possible. We had a very successful 2-day yard sale, which allowed us to update our kitchen appliances and save toward moving expenses. Our school year and tball season are coming to an end, giving us some family time and summer fun to look forward to!
While I am thankful to see God’s plan coming to be, He has been gently nudging me during my quiet time, reminding me that we are not finished with His work in Demopolis. Though we are confident our home will sell before we move and excited about our journey to church planting, we are committed to our current community and church family 100% and I don’t want to miss an opportunity to make the Gospel known or to disciple Christians where we are. I know there will still be personal spiritual growth and Great Commission opportunities this summer. To God be the Glory as He works in Alabama and Colorado simultaneously (and the rest of the world, of course). He promises to “work things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes” and it is true! Everything is coming together!