
One of the buzz words thrown around in Lowry is community. We have tried to press for a deeper understanding of what exactly Lowry means by community. And the answer we get is similar to this, “My neighbors know my name, if something strange was happening they would call the police or get help.” “Our children know a few other neighborhood kids and they play a good deal with them.” Or, “It is nice to come to a shop and know everyones name that comes in.” According to Community is a unified body of individuals as in a group of people with a common interest living together within a larger society. One of the biggest drawing factors in Lowry is community. But I see that idea of community as shallow and in desperate need of redemption. Ephesians 5:16 urges us to redeem the time for the days are evil. So we seek to redeem the idea of community in Lowry.

We want to build biblical community. A ministry friend, Bill Lighty, defines biblical community as a group of people actually loving one another transparently and hearing from God together as they do life with one another and are edified into the fullness of Christ. He went on to indicate several vital characteristics of biblical community: time commitment, prayer, transparency, serving others, loving others, sensing the Holy Spirit as a group, accountability, and honesty. We want a marker of our church to be genuine biblical community. Without biblical community, we are just another social club and that is not desired or needed. God desires His church to impact Lowry, Denver and the World through the redemption of community. Imagine a day with us when Lowry will be known for the community of believers who are changing the world and pray with us to that end.