
Despite my peace about our call to plant, the long distance move, the need to raise funds, and the many other changes upon us, many of you are full of questions, worry, maybe even doubt. This is an incredibly exciting time for our family, a journey where much is unknown. God has guarded me against fear and worry, which is not me by any means. For me to be calm and peaceful and give Him control of big life changes is all Him…in these areas, I am weak but He is strong. The emotional end of the move is extremely difficult for me to navigate. My connections to my family, friends, church family, and homeschool group run deep. I find myself celebrating the quick, God-ordained sale of our home, while simultaneously grieving the separation from it. My heart bursts with joy when I ponder what God will do through little ol’ me, as He molds me more into His likeness and shapes me into a pastor’s wife and church planting partner. Yet, I weep almost daily (even as I type now), as we encounter some of our “lasts” here in Alabama. I haven’t allowed myself to grieve publicly, fearing my tears will convey a false message of fear or doubt to you…never wanting my misty eyes to falsely convince anyone of you that my heart isn’t in this, that I don’t want to go or am being coerced. My sadness is real. I love deeply and am so blessed to have so many to love here. The call to Colorado is undeniably from God, though. When I heard my sweet children singing last week, the words rang so true…”Where You go, I’ll go. Where you stay, I’ll stay. When You move, I’ll move. I will follow You.” I am confident that God has called us as a family and has gone ahead of us, preparing a way and softening hearts. 1 Corinthians 1 says that if we boast, we are to boast in Him. God has given me a testimony. I’ve been redeemed. I am a new creation. I’m going to let tears fall as they may, hug necks tighter than ever before, praying all the while that I don’t waste one minute of our remaining time in Demopolis. But, when it is time to go, I will hold my head high and march on, following the call of God wherever He leads. I will boast about Him and share the old redemption story, literally shouting it from the mountaintops of Colorado. May He receive the glory for equipping me, Eric, and our children for His work and may the reward for obedience be a great harvest of souls, all while He maintains the ties that bind us to Sweet Home Alabama!

3 thoughts on “Equipped??

  1. Rebecca

    Thanks so much for sharing your heart. There is no doubt that God is preparing you and your family for great works for His glory! Love you all so much!

  2. Debby

    I feel honored to know someone so committed to what the Lord has called them to. Thank God for you Eric and your precious children. You’ve been a blessing to us here. Our prayers go with you all.

  3. Lisa

    Dear sweet friend, I know exactly how you feel! I have great excitement for all of us, but also great sadness. Our lives are so connected here and we have walked through so very many things together and with the Fairhaven church family. I am praying specifics for you in particular. I love you!

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