God is in it all…

As many of you know, the kids and I were blessed to be given money to fly to Alabama for a pre-Christmas visit. Such an exciting gift, 4 months after moving!! As I packed and prepared, I talked to God about how I usually strike up a conversation with the person seated next to me on flights and enjoy how He uses those conversations, but knew the kids and I would fill our row this trip. I asked him to keep my eyes open for a unique opportunity and not let me miss it, in spite of my responsibility with two young travel companions. As we waited for the last boarding zone to be called in Denver, a middle aged lady approached and got in line behind us and asked me if I was waiting for zone 4. I said yes and told her, chuckling, that flying as cheaply as possible had landed us at the back of the line. She responded, telling me that a last minute purchase earned it for her, as she had just received news her sister in Maryland didn’t have long to live. I saw her eyes well with tears and knew she felt an urgency about this trip. I told her I was sorry and would pray God would allow her to see her alive. She then beamed and told me she is a believer, my sister in Christ. We spoke of our Savior as the line progressed and found out we live only about a half hour from one another. She told me her ailing sister is a believer, too, but not her other 7 siblings. I began to plead for their salvation in my spirit immediately. We boarded, were seated several rows and an aisle apart, so we smiled and parted ways.
As the flight leveled out, I got the kids busy coloring and playing playdoh and I felt an urging to write this fellow passenger a note with scripture and encourgement as she traveled alone during an emotional time. Knowing we would soon be “neighbors” again, I included our names and my cell number. I delivered the note on a bathroom trip during flight. Not long after, she passed down the aisle and brought me a note. She said, “When you read this, you’ll know it’s a God thing.” Turned out, her devotion that morning had been about how God ordains our every step. And get this…her maiden name was SANFORD!! We don’t know yet if we are kin, but we know we are sisters in Christ! We’ve been texting as we travel and she was able to have time with her sister. Praise be to God for opportunities to glorify Him in the simple, every day things of life!! May we all be open and aware of what He has for us every moment of every day. Merry Christmas from Alabama! To God be the Glory!!

2 thoughts on “God is in it all…

  1. Pat Williams

    This is an amazing story that only God could orchestrate. I know she was put in your path for a reason. You may never know how much you meant to her at the moment you met her, but God had a plan for both of you. He expects us to listen to his voice and follow this lead. You did that. God has blessed you many times since. My prayer is that you continue to follow him.

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