
As most of you already know, our area of Colorado is currently plagued by wildfires. One of the fires, the Black Forest fire, has already been named the most destructive fire in Colorado state history. Many have asked, and we are in no danger, as we live 10-15 miles from this fire line. However, our hearts are broken for our city. Thousands of people are displaced, evacuated from their homes. Over 400 homes are already listed as “total loss”. Two people have died as a result of the fire, who appear to have been feverishly packing items they couldn’t bear to leave behind. Though it is easy for us to say homes, vehicles, and home contents are just material things, the reality is that those same things represent years of hard work, strong family memories, and high sentimental value. Many responders are working to contain and extinguish these fires. The firemen on the front lines are constantly on our minds. The emotions wrapped in a wildfire in a residential area are difficult to imagine and impossible to empathize with if you haven’t lived through it. Though we haven’t ever experienced a fire or a loss like that, God has placed many prayer and ministry opportunities within this tragic circumstance and He can use this inferno for His Glory! We believe He will! So many great stories of the rescue of people and animals, care for responders, and community building are beginning to be reported. Several have spoken boldly of God’s protection and provision. In an area where Mother Nature has gotten most of the blame and/or credit, it excites me to hear God’s name glorified and praised.
At a children’s event at a local public library this week, I was able to minister to an older lady who was awaiting word on the fate of her home and her stuff, just by noticing her tears. She told me some stories of her evacuation day and expressed her deep grief over possibly losing photos that keep her memories alive. We talked about grieving with hope, but she didnt know the Lord, just knows of Him. After talking, she did allow me to pray for her. I prayed scripture over her and begged God to reveal Himself to her, even in her grief. In the quiet corner of a library, while kids/grandkids learn about bunnies, ministry happens, if we allow God to use us. This is an area where He has really stretched me and grown me…boldness amongst strangers. I pray He will continue to grow me and mold me to be more like Him and give me the privilege of ministry and Kingdom growth. Pray for this woman, Deborah or “Gran”, for her salvation and her future, life after this devastating fire. I may never know the fate of her home, but I am trusting and believing that she will be saved!
Though so many homes and “things” are being destroyed, we must continue to give thanks, knowing His love lasts forever!