These seem to be two very common questions these days, and understandably so!  It is so difficult to know who knows what part of the story.

We are super excited to move to Colorado Springs, CO in August. Speaking of, OUR DEMOPOLIS HOUSE IS UNDER CONTRACT!!!  Huge work of God, definite confirmation of this whole journey and another measure of peace for us!  Our time in Colorado Springs will be limited to 12 months, one full year of learning and being part of an established, “successful” church plant.  This is a residency program, designed to be hands-on, intense, daily training for Eric and myself.  During this time, Eric will also work a “secular” job to help provide for our family and to become a part of the community and culture.

Ultimately, though, our call is to Denver, CO.  In October 2011, we underwent an assessment weekend with the Mile High Baptist Association.  They will be our overseers when we move to Denver, but we agreed together that some experience in the trenches of church planting and starting from the ground up was essential, before we jumped in on our own.  Our assessors encouraged us to explore residency options and, after much applying and interviewing, Eric was chosen for the Vanguard Church Planting Residency program in Colorado Springs.  This is a great match because the culture will be much like Denver and will allow us an experience as much like what we will encounter, in 2013 and after , as possible.  The last two times we were privileged to visit Denver in person, God began to lead us specifically to the “neighborhood” called Lowry.  I have included a few pics this time to help you pray specifically.  Even during our time in Demopolis and our residency year, the people of Lowry are our heart and prayer.  Lowry is a neighborhood of approximately 10,000 people and has not one evangelical church!  We are praying for God to already be preparing the hearts of the people to hear, believe and serve.  May He be glorified in the means and the end, for He hears our prayers and loves the people of Demopolis, Colorado Springs, Lowry, and around the world!  May we love like He does and be a privileged part of seeing many come to know Him intimately!!!