Putting Down Roots

As we quickly approach the 5 month mark of life in Colorado Springs, it is so nice to feel we are putting down some roots, even though we know our stay here is temporary. It feels like a huge blessing to be able to walk into church, ice skating lessons, or a library event and call some people by name and recognize others. Eric knows quite a few coworkers by name at the bus barn already and has been able to have great conversations with trainers and other drivers during these training weeks. The family of the precious child I keep each day is a great match for our family, as friends. We have also been blessed with friends to hang out with, share meals with, swap childcare for date nights with, and pray for/with. Everyone has a story and it is great to get to hear those and share our own, bringing Jesus’ grace and mercy in quickly, as that is what has changed our story forever! God is continually bringing people into our path, but has really ordained specific people for specific purposes…some to encourage and exhort, some for us to love on and evangelize, some for us to learn lots from. So nice to know we have lifelong friends in other states, bonds that will never be broken, and that God is still blessing us with new friends along life’s way! Pray specifically for the lost and hurting God is bringing our way…may we never miss or waste an opportunity to minister and be salt and light! The harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few. May we always make much of Jesus and daily make His name famous! Simple, yet true that “For God so loved the world, He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life!” He did it all for love…pray we will look like Him to the world.

2 thoughts on “Putting Down Roots

  1. Pat Williams

    You are off to a great start, and God is using your family to reach out to others in many different ways. Keep planting those seeds and God will take care of the rest. Making new friends is a great beginning to reach others. Let your light so shine that others will see Jesus in you.

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