
Our townhouse is located at a unique intersection.  The T in front of our home brings together subsidized housing, townhomes and mansions. This intersection brings together more than financial worlds; it brings together different races and family structures.  The other day, when we walked around to invite people to our Gumbo Party, we met people who were single, retired, married, expecting their first child, and living in a blended family situation.  These various situations bring challenges and diversity.

We are blessed to be in this diverse place.  We desire to bring together the different groups of people under the banner of Christ’s church.  God has placed us here for such a time as this to reach these people.  Think about your street.  Who lives there?  What season of life are they in?  How are they similar or different?  And how can you reorient your life to intersect with them for the sake of the Gospel?