Receiving End

For the first time in forever (to steal a line from a popular movie), we will be on the receiving end of a mission team.  I have gone as part of a team to Nicaragua and Romania, and lead teams to Michigan, New York, Wisconsin and inside of Alabama but I have never been in this role.

I have a deep passion for missions born out of my experience as a teenager and college student.  I am grateful for the leaders who provided opportunities to see the big “C” church and to challenge us to serve and minister in all types of environments.  God has used those people to shape me into what He is using now.

I cannot wait to see what God does here as the mission team hits the ground, interacts with the people of Lowry and shares God’s love.  I am praying that God would move in great ways.  I am excited to be on the receiving end of a mission team and pray that it is not long until I take a team to serve His Church.