Hit and Run

There is a hit and run epidemic in Denver. There has been an average of 17 hit and run accidents per day over the past three years. These accidents have led to many fatalities, injuries and countless dollars spent on auto repairs. Some have been solved and others are still open cases, but all have shaken the confidence in the drivers of the other cars in town.

Pharisees can be like hit and run drivers. They can focus so much on the rules and practices of religion that they fail to yield to grace and people get hurt as a result. Too many times, I have been guilty of running over people in the name of religion and leaving them in pain in my path. I have practiced hit and run religion. The result is shaken confidence in Jesus, the Church and individual followers of Jesus.

Are you practicing hit and run religion?

The antithesis of hit and run religion is living out grace and truth in relationship. May the grace and love of God flow out of us as we engage the lost and dying world, so that they grasp the good news of Jesus.