Take heart!

If you read our local news, you will be reminded daily that we live in a very broken place that so desperately needs Jesus’ grace and mercy! This article is just one example from today…


However, in the midst of it, God is still at work and is still using us. This is a small bit of a text I received from a nurse we made a special connection with while I was inpatient after my recent emergency surgery…

“Your card and message were just what I needed, Amanda! Long story that I’ll share with you some day. Basically, I prayed in the car, on the way to work, asking God, to help me feel His love that day. You were an instrument in His hands. Thank you!”

I grieve over and pray for the brokenness all around me. I know it is everywhere, to some extent, but it’s so much more widespread out here, with way fewer committed Christians praying over it and piercing the darkness with the boldly spoken Gospel truth.

Once I was coherent enough to understand that I would be staying in the hospital for about a week, I prayed that I would “let (my) light so shine before men that they would see (my) good works and glorify my Father in Heaven,” even through my pain and lack of sleep! He did, y’all!

All around us AND YOU, there are people who don’t know the real love of God, people who have lost sight of Him and need to be led back that way, and people who know for sure they are saved, but need to be loved on by us. Pray every day that you’ll be an instrument in His hands. In this life, you WILL have trials, but TAKE HEART, for He has overcome the world! Ask the One true overcomer to dwell richly in you and use you as one of His instruments, for His glory!