Too Close for Comfort?!?

Countless people have questioned us since the recent wild fires in Colorado Springs and shooting in Aurora.  Most want to know how far we will live from where these tragedies took place.  The truth is, extremely close.  Our rental house in Colorado Springs (where we will live for one year to participate in a church planting residency) is roughly 25-30 city blocks from the line at which the fire was finally contained.  The area where we currently feel led to live, love, minister and plant after the residency is complete (Lowry neighborhood of Denver) is roughly 6 miles from Aurora.  Those are the geographic facts.  Now for the more difficult question.  Many have wanted to know if we still plan to go, live amongst tragedy, take big risks…or if we see those as a clear sign that we have misunderstood the call and should reconsider.  The answer, for us, is just as simple.  We have never been more sure of anything in our lives.  God has grown and shaped us so much in the past few years, as both of us have searched and studied His Word like never before, building an intimacy with Him that we enjoy and crave more than ever!  We are heading to Colorado in a few weeks, absolutely certain that it is His plan and His call on our lives.  Though the tragedies are very real to us and affect many people we will soon meet, we see ministry opportunities rather than obstacles.  God did not give us a spirit of fear, so we pray away Satan’s attempts to have fear grip us and hinder ministry.  The shooting is heartbreaking, almost impossible to fathom.  However, it confirms what we already know…Denver is a super sized city with the majority of the population knowingly lost, spiritually.  People out there are questioning and searching for answers in the face of senseless deaths from fires and murder.  God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  He has allowed these tragedies for a reason and He gives a peace that passes understanding, no matter the situation.  We pray daily that as we go and do His work and share His love and His Word with the people of Colorado, He will receive all the Glory and many will follow Him and know Him intimately as a result.  He is in control, even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and His perfect love casts out fear so His children may live a full, abundant life.  May it be so!

One thought on “Too Close for Comfort?!?

  1. Jennifer Kitchens

    Wow. That’s all I know to say is wow. You have a very strong family and I know you will survive no matter where you are because of your faith. May God Bless You!!

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